
Adult Ceramic braces vs. Invisalign: which is a good option for me?

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Today, more people than ever before are seeking orthodontic treatment. This is because the importance of dental alignment is more recognized and acknowledged. This is resulting in an increase in the number of adults wishing to achieve a straighter smile.

When many people hear the word “braces,” they may immediately envision a child with a huge metal grin. Fortunately, there are many discreet treatment options, like ceramic braces or Invisalign. But the main question is: which one is the best option for you?

Please be aware that no two people’s dental issues are the same, so we cannot dole out blanket treatment plans. Instead, we recommend reading this article to learn more about why adult ceramic braces or Invisalign might be the best treatment for your issue.

Adult ceramic braces

A common alternative to conventional metal braces that have been in use for many years is ceramic braces. Ceramic braces, which were first introduced in 1986, are a more aesthetic and discrete alternative to metal braces and are frequently favored by people searching for a less noticeable yet efficient solution to straighten their teeth.

Ceramic braces work similarly to traditional metal braces, except that the brackets are made of ceramic and are clear or a similar color to the teeth, making them difficult to see from a distance.

Your orthodontist bonds the ceramic brackets to the front of each of your teeth. And then, an archwire is threaded through the brackets. Depending on the mechanism of the bracket system, archwires may or may not be held into the brackets using ligature ties. These ligature ties can also be clear or colored depending on the patient’s preference. The braces and archwires together control the movement of the teeth and force them into the desired position. They are sturdy enough and can correct moderately to severely misaligned teeth.

The duration of treatment varies depending on how much correction your teeth require, but patients should expect the treatment time frame to take between 1-3 years on average. As your teeth gradually start to move into their ideal positions, your orthodontist will monitor your progress along the way and adjust the braces as necessary.

The main downside of clear ceramic braces for adults is their price tag. Except for that, they are the main alternative to standard metal braces.

ceramic braces

The pros and cons of adult ceramic braces


  1. They are an effective solution in the majority of cases.
  2. It is almost impossible to spot Clear braces on somebody’s teeth from a distance. Because the brackets are tooth-colored, even in closeup, the only clearly visible thing is the archwire.
  3. Ceramic braces are hypoallergenic.
  4. Ceramic braces, unlike traditional metal braces, are MRI-safe. It means you can have an MRI scan while wearing ceramic brackets.


  1. More fragile: Adult Ceramic braces are more fragile than metal braces. Because ceramic cannot flex as much as metal braces can, they are much more likely to crack and chip. If this occurs, avoid swallowing any ceramic pieces until your orthodontist has had a chance to repair the problem.
  2. Bulkier: Ceramic brackets are bulkier than their metal counterparts. This means it may take the mouth and lips more time to adjust.
  3. A more expensive option: You may be fortunate enough to have insurance that covers the expense of a range of teeth-straightening options. If not, you will pay between $3000 to $8000 for ceramic braces depending on the severity of your case.
  4. Hard to remove: Adult ceramic braces are inflexible, which means only your orthodontist can remove them after your treatment will be over.
  5. Difficult to clean: Whether the brackets are made of metal or ceramic, brushing and flossing them is challenging. Remember, maintaining good oral hygiene should be your top priority while wearing braces since plaque and food debris can build up between the tooth and metal wire throughout the day, leading to an increased risk of cavities.

Pros and cons of ceramic braces

Which people are good candidates for adult ceramic braces?

We offer ceramic braces to those people who were turned down as Invisalign patients due to the severity of their misaligned teeth.

The treatment time frame with ceramic braces is between one to three years. This will ensure that you will have a truly beautiful smile at the end of the treatment.

Invisalign Aligners

Invisalign is the industry-leading clear aligner company, offering patients across the world an alternative to teeth straightening. Because of this, Invisalign provides customized clear aligner trays that are created with the most cutting-edge technology.

If you do not have severe tooth misalignment, Invisalign clear aligners are a functional, and effective option for you. Aligners use the help of tooth-colored attachments to apply light pressure to move the teeth into the proper position. As a result, by the end of the treatment, your teeth have gradually shifted into their ideal positions without the use of brackets and wires.

With Invisalign clear aligners, tooth alignment is a straightforward, step-by-step process.

  1. The first step is to schedule your initial evaluation, where your orthodontist will take a panoramic and cephalometric radiograph to accurately diagnose your case. Following, initial records including intra-oral and extra-oral photos and a digital scan of your teeth will be taken. In some cases, traditional alginate molds may be needed as well.
  2. The next step is to approve the proposed treatment plan from your orthodontist, as well as the 3D projection of how your teeth are going to look. The payment schedule is also agreed upon before the start of the treatment.

The overall treatment time can range from 6 months to 3 years depending on your individual case. Each set of aligner trays must be worn for 22 hours every day; only removing them to eat, drink or brush/floss.

Invisalign aligners

Benefits and downsides of Invisalign clear aligners


  1. Super discreet option. Clear aligners are the most discreet solution to straightening teeth. They are not only nearly undetectable, but they are also removable, allowing you to take them out for significant occasions like, for instance, your wedding.
  2. Simple to clean. With Invisalign, it is so much easier to maintain good oral hygiene because you can take out your aligners whenever you eat, brush, or floss.

Other benefits 

  1. Fewer orthodontist visits
  2. completely hypoallergenic
  3. MRI-safe

The disadvantage of Invisalign clear aligners 

Invisalign is not a good option in some severe cases.

benefits of Invisalign aligners


Which is better: adult ceramic braces or Invisalign? 

The answer to this question is highly dependent on your individual concerns and dentition. The best way to understand which option is best for you is to visit your orthodontist.

Generally speaking, for severe cases, adult ceramic braces might be the best approach. However, as we mentioned, it depends on your concerns and dentition.

What are adult ceramic braces? 

Adult ceramic braces are similar to traditional braces, but they use ceramic brackets instead of metal brackets. They are attached to your teeth for the duration of your treatment, which means you cannot remove them when you eat, brush, and floss.

Do treatment times with ceramic braces take longer? 

Treatment time is majorly dependent on your specific case. Missing teeth, extractions, surgery, and malocclusion can all be deciding factors in treatment length whether you choose adult ceramic braces or Invisalign.

Does Invisalign work as well as ceramic braces? 

If Invisalign is a recommended option provided by your orthodontist then, yes! This means it will work just as well as ceramic braces for your individual case.

How brittle are ceramic braces? 

One of the major disadvantages of clear braces is that they are less sturdy than their metal counterparts. Due to this reason, you will need to be more careful while in treatment to avoid breakages.

Do ceramic braces turn yellow over time? 

No, the material that ceramic braces are made of is stain-resistant, so they won’t turn yellow over time.

Are adult ceramic braces more painful? 

Quite the opposite.

Adult Ceramic braces are generally considered to be less unpleasant than metal braces by those who have worn both types. This is because the high-quality ceramic material used to make the brackets is less abrasive than metal and much less likely to irritate your lips, tongue, or gums.


Here at York Orthodontics, we strive for excellent care for our patients and offer the best solutions according to their specific dental concerns. We aim to create an atmosphere in our offices that makes people feel at ease. So don’t hesitate! Contact us today to get a free consultation!

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