
Why Choose Metal Ceramic Braces?

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When it comes to orthodontic treatment, there are too many options, including Invisalign and braces. Braces themselves are classified into several groups, but in York Orthodontics, the two main ones are metal ceramic braces and traditional braces.

Today, we want to talk through the most favorable braces, metal ceramic braces, their effectiveness, and their features. So, let’s avoid beating around the bush and hitting the nail on the head.

Metal Ceramic Braces

You know that in my memory, there are too many stories from real people. Due to all these stories, sometimes I think I’m too old.

By the way, when our SEO expert came to me and asked to give her some expert information about ceramic braces, I don’t know, but Ellis suddenly came to mind.

The first time that I met him, he was around 14 years old, a boy who was self-conscious about his appearance. He suffered from crowding and crossbite. Like many teenagers of that age, at the consultation meeting, he insisted that if he couldn’t wear Invisalign, he would avoid accepting the treatment.

However, his dental issue was severe, and Invisalign could not be a proper option. Therefore, the only option in front of both of us was braces. After around 3 years from that day, I clearly remember his note: “I’m not a child anymore to wear this childish brace!” Even he avoided wearing colorful braces. Finally, we reached an agreement to start his treatment with metal ceramic braces.

In fact, the effectiveness of metal braces is approximately the same as that of traditional metal braces, except that ceramic braces are less noticeable than traditional braces.

In the following, I’d rather talk about all the questions that Ellis and his parents asked me about ceramic braces.

Ellis and Ceramic Braces

Adult Ceramic Braces vs. Metal Braces- Which Is Better?

Fixed ceramic braces are tooth-colored brackets made of polycrystalline alumina, designed to gradually straighten teeth into the desired positions. Fixed ceramic braces are glued to the front surface of each tooth and connected with an archwire; a thin metal wire runs through each brocket.

While the braces are glued to your teeth, you’ll need to visit your orthodontist every 6 to 10 weeks for adjustments. On average, the total treatment usually lasts between 18 and 36 months, though it’s highly dependent on an individual’s specific dental condition. Ellis, for example, took his treatment for 20 months.

To learn about this kind of brace, let’s delve into its pros and cons.

Adult Ceramic Braces- the one Ellis choose

The pros and cons of adult ceramic braces

Pros Cons
More aesthetically pleasing Often more expensive than metal braces
Less painful Compared to metal braces, they may move teeth slower
Ceramic braces can shift teeth faster to their desired position than Invisalign aligners They may cause gum sensitivity
They don’t interfere with imaging tests, and they produce much less signal interference They’re a bit less durable than metal braces
They may stain

Traditional Braces vs. Ceramic Braces Cost

Traditional Metal Braces Metal Ceramic Braces Invisalign Cost
On average, $3,000-$6,000 On average, $4,000-$8,000 On average, $3,000-$8,000

Do ceramic braces take longer?

This is another question that Elli’s parents asked me. Typically, your treatment lasts between 18 and 36 months, slightly longer than traditional metal brackets. As mentioned above, the treatment duration for Ellis was around 20 months.

However, there is a delicate point here: “The response of everyone to ceramic braces is unique.” Therefore, every individual may experience the same length of treatment as traditional braces or even more. It just depends on many factors, including the severity of your dental condition and your unique response to braces.

Ellis and his story of Ceramic braces

Can I get braces at age 25?

Though this wasn’t the question of Elli’s parents, at York Orthodontics, my team encounters this question frequently. Therefore, I feel it’s worth talking about it here.

In fact, age has no limitation on getting braces. Unlike what many believe, braces are not just for children and teenagers. A beautiful, lasting, and memorable smile can be achieved at any age, even in your 70s!

Clear braces for adults may be the best option for those who are self-conscious.

Another common question my team frequently faces is,” What age is too old for braces?” The best time for children to get braces is typically between 8 and 15. However, anyone can achieve a beautiful smile with braces, regardless of age.

Let’s respond to other common questions.


Do ceramic braces stain?

As a matter of fact, ceramic brackets don’t easily stain, but the elastic ties used to hold the wire together can. Probably, ask yourself how we can avoid staining. Here are some tips:

  • Brush and floss after each meal to remove food residue that may cause staining.
  • Avoid foods or drinks that may leave stains. These include wine, coffee, tea, soda, condiments like ketchup, mustard, etc.
  • Don’t smoke because it leaves a yellowish stain on your teeth as well as all components of your braces.
  • Don’t use whitening toothpaste because whitening toothpaste can make the exposed tooth surface whiter compared to the tooth underneath.
  • See your orthodontist frequently. They can help you remove stained ceramic brackets or ties as required.

Do we have the option to choose different colors for ceramic braces? If so, what colors can we choose from?

Throughout your treatment, the color of each component can be changed. The components include:

  • Brackets: Usually brackets are available in white; they stick to your teeth.
  • Archwire: They’re often available in silver, white, or frosted to blend in with light-colored brackets. Archwires cure around your teeth, connecting all brackets together, and by applying pressure to the teeth, shifting them to the desired position.
  • Elastic Bands: Elastic bands are available in many colors. Elastic bands, connected to bracket hooks, serve to secure archwires and facilitate the adjustment of teeth and jaw alignment.

How durable are metal ceramic braces?

Compared to metal braces, ceramic braces are more fragile and less durable. Based on the article published in 2016 in the valid magazine, National Library of Medicine, ceramic braces are likely to break more than twice compared to their counterparts, traditional metal braces.

For individuals engaged in contact sports or activities requiring extensive mouth movements, such as singing, debate, or public speaking, opting for more resilient metal braces can ensure durability against chipping or cracking.

Ceramic or Metal Braces? Which One Is My Favorite?

When it comes to adult ceramic braces, personal preference matters. For instance, individuals like Ellis, who prioritize appearance, might find ceramic braces more appealing due to their aesthetic advantages over metal braces. However, we need to keep in mind that every choice has its trade-offs, and ceramic braces are no exception.

The decision between the two ultimately relies on the individual patient’s priorities, lifestyle, and unique needs. Your orthodontist can help determine which option is the best fit for your unique needs.

Choosing the Right Braces for You

As mentioned before, choosing between ceramic braces and traditional braces is based on someone’s preferences, lifestyle, and needs.

At York Orthodontics, we are committed to helping you achieve the smile you deserve with the most suitable treatment plan. Whether you prioritize aesthetics, durability, or cost, our team is here to guide you through every step of your orthodontic journey.

Consult with us today to determine the best option for your unique situation and take the first step towards a healthier, more confident smile.

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