2025 Insights: Comprehensive Dental Braces Consultation and Initial Orthodontic Assessments

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We are sure that you may know what happens during an orthodontic consultation. Recently, a mom and her 8-year-old daughter, Alice, came to our office. The mom nervously walked up to the reception counter, holding a folded piece of paper in her hand, spilled the beans that her pediatric dentist said Alice needs braces.

She only has this child, and it’s clear if she doesn’t have any idea what the process entailed. The mom’s anxiety easily transferred to her daughter; and Alice nervously asked us, “What’s gonna happen today?”

Despite the effort of mom trying to shush her daughter, the signs of anxiety, tension, jitteriness, and fear were clearly visible on her face. Mom shushed her daughter because she was uncertain about the process.

This mom and daughter aren’t the only nervous patients that come to our office while their feet are shivering from fear. Due to that, we’re going to tell you what happens at the braces consultation. Our aim in this article is to calm down your nerves and assure you that the consultation process will proceed well.

Braces Consultation

You may be wondering what happened to that mom and her daughter. Nothing especial; the initial orthodontic consultation is nothing more than letting Dr. Mir investigate your dental condition and offer the best course of treatment.

All the anxiety and tension of the mom and her daughter, Alice, disappeared when they saw Dr. Mir smilingly evaluate Alice’s dental condition. Alice’s teeth were overbite, and as her dentist had already said, she needed braces to align her teeth.

Initial Orthodontic consultation

Orthodontic Consultation- New Patient Paperwork

In both our offices in Thornhill and North York, registering as a new patient requires completing intake paperwork. We need to know some information, like the name of the patient, date of birth, contact information, and whether they have some specific disease, like diabetes, or take some particular medication. This paperwork helps us evaluate your dental journey.

Knowing your medical history is crucial to us ensuring that you’re healthy enough to be treated and, if necessary, referring you out to a medical specialist for certain medical conditions, syndromes, and complications.

After completion your paperwork, Dr. Mir evaluates your dental condition and, based on your specific needs, offers the best course of treatment.

Through a braces consultation, Dr. Mir will create a problem list using diagnostic data gathered from the examination and, based on it, offer plans on how to fix your dental problems.

Our strategy in York Orthodontics is to make everything clear for patients, because this transparency gives them a road map of how they’re supposed to pass the journey, from beginning to end.

Please notice that orthodontic treatment highly depends on individuals’ habits. Due to that, we always ask our patients to care about dental hygiene, have a rich diet, and avoid using tobacco, alcohol, or other illicit drugs. These are all significant aspects that highly affect your treatment.

And lastly, when it comes to braces, it’s difficult to specify the exact duration of your treatment will take to be fully completed. The estimated time may be 6-9 months, 12-18 months, 20-24 months, or 30-36 months, depending on the individual’s dental problem.

Braces consultation

And do you know what elements make Dr. Mir prominent in the field? His skill? Experience? The answer is none of them. In fact, Toronto boasts many skilled orthodontists, but what truly set him apart is his creativity in resolving unique problems. This distinctive approach is what makes Dr. Mir stands out as an orthodontist who excels in solving and treating the most problematic cases.

Braces Consultation- How to Pay Your Braces

Budgeting orthodontic treatment for almost all families with all levels of income is challenging because the treatment is not cheap!

However, all of our focus is to make the treatment affordable to all! It’s so painful when a patient like Alice comes to us, and only because her family can’t afford her treatment cost, we let her go and leave her alone to deal with lots of mental problems that may arise down the road, rooting in her specific dental condition.

To make orthodontic treatment affordable for all, we offer wallet-friendly payment plans with monthly installments starting as low as $99. To learn about the details of our pricing, please click on the link. On that page, we put the calculator for your convenience to easily calculate the monthly installments, down payment and so on.

Moreover, there are many dental insurance plans that cover your treatment. The only thing you can do is ask your insurance provider or ask us to contact them to identify your coverage.

And finally, on the day of your braces consultation, you can ask us about the most suitable monthly plan. Our monthly installment is interest-free, ensuring there is no burden on your shoulders.

Orthdontic Consultation Cost

Dental Braces Consultation- Treatment Consent

It’s essential for us to have a treatment consent from signed by you or, if applicable, for your minor child, as legally we can do nothing without it. So please take your time and read each line carefully. If you’re having trouble to understanding each line, you can ask us for further explanation, and we’ll make everything clear for you.

And lastly, we need to mention that our orthodontic consultation cost is free to everyone, and because of this evaluation, we ask you for no pennies.

dental braces consultation

How long does an orthodontic consultation take?

An orthodontic consultation generally takes between 30-60 minutes. During the consultation, Dr. Mir examines your teeth, gums, and mouth and, based on your specific problem, offers the best solution. After the consultation, patients are encouraged to take as much time as they need to carefully consider discussed options.

Orthodontic Consultation- Conclusion

Now, you have a clear understanding of what to expect during a dental braces consultation at York Orthodontics. We hope to never encounter a patient like Alice and her mom, who would come to us scared and without any idea about the intake process.

Always remember delays in orthodontics due to your fear can be discouraging your treatment and affect your results!

Hopefully, this article equips you with the required resources and greatly educates you on the consultation process. If we can alleviate your fears, tensions, and jitters, replacing them with sense of calm and tranquility, it signifies that we’ve done our job effectively!

Good luck with your consultation!

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