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What is the meaning of diastema teeth? Diastema is a clinical term for gap teeth. A gap between teeth can occur anywhere in your mouth, but a gap between the two front teeth is the most common. It can be small or large, and usually, it doesn’t have negative impact on your oral health. However, in some cases, it can cause problems.

In this discussion, we aim to go beyond the typical published articles on our website. Today, we prefer to answer the most frequently asked questions we encounter. Hope you find the answers here helpful.

Who does diastema effect?

Diastema teeth can affect both children and adults. However, it’s more common in children, and the gap may close when their permanent teeth come in. A midline diastema (gap between the two front teeth) is prevalent among the general population, regardless of race, gender, or age. However, gap teeth seem to be more common in certain racial groups, such as Black people.

Is a diastema normal?

Yes. It’s a common variation of normal dental development, and in most cases, it causes no problem.

How does diastema affect my oral health?

In most cases, it won’t cause any oral health concerns. However, if it’s caused by periodontitis, you may need gum disease treatment.

What are the symptoms of diastema?

Diastema has only one single symptom: a gap between your teeth. If you have healthy gums and teeth, it usually doesn’t causes any problems. But if gaps in teeth are caused by gum disease, you may notice pain, redness, swelling, or other gum disease symptoms.

What Causes Diastema?

Genetics plays a major role in having gap teeth. Other reasons include:

1- Missing teeth
2- Small teeth
3- Gum disease
4- An oversized frenum (the connective tissue band connecting lips and gums)
5- In rare cases, an abnormal swallowing reflex.

To understand the last point, let’s give you an example. When swallowing, your tongue should press against the roof of your mouth. If you press your tongue against your front teeth instead, this repetitive pressure can cause gap teeth over time. If your diastema teeth are caused by gum disease, it occurs because the infection erodes the jawbone, leading to gaps and loose teeth.

How is diastema teeth diagnosed?

Your dental healthcare provider can easily diagnose it during a routing dental examination; no further testing is needed.

How can diastema be fixed?

There are several solutions to fix gaps between teeth, depending on the underlying reason—whether it’s caused by gum disease or if it’s only a cosmetic issue.

What are cosmetic treatments for diastema?

If you have healthy teeth and gums and only want to close the gaps between your teeth, braces or clear aligners for teeth, such as Invisalign can move your teeth together.

What are gum diseases for diastema?

If the issue is caused by gum disease, you’ll first need periodontal treatment to eliminate harmful bacteria. Once the infection is under control, you can discuss options with your orthodontist to address your gaped teeth.

Common gum treatments include:

1- Scaling and root planing: For mild gum disease, scaling and root planing—a deep cleaning—is the most common treatment. It’s similar to a regular cleaning, with the difference that you’ll be numb, allowing your dental provider to reach the bacteria hiding deep under your gums.

2- Gingival flap surgery: You’ll need gum surgery for moderate to advanced gum disease. During the procedure, an incision is made along your gum line to access your tooth roots by temporarily moving back your gums. After thoroughly cleaning your tooth roots, your gums are repositioned and stitched back. In instances where bone loss has occurred around a tooth, a dental graft may be employed by your surgeon to promote regeneration of bone tissue within the affected region.

Can I prevent diastema teeth?

If diastema is a result of genetics, prevention isn’t possible, as it’s a characteristic inherited from your parents or grandparents. However, by practicing good oral hygiene and regularly visiting your dentist, you can prevent infection-based diastema. We recommend scheduling an appointment with a dentist right away if you notice redness, swelling, bleeding, or other signs of gum disease.

What can I expect if I have diastema?

Diastema typically doesn’t create problems unless it’s caused by infection. Thereby, if you have healthy gum and teeth, a simple gap between your teeth won’t negatively impact your oral health; it’s just a unique characteristic of your beauty.

Does diastema teeth increase with age?

In a healthy mouth, it won’t increase with age. If you notice your gaps becoming wider, schedule an appointment with a dentist right away, as it could be a sign of gum disease.

When should I see my dentist?

If your gaps bother you, schedule a consultation with an orthodontist to discuss your treatment options in detail. In general, we recommend seeing a dentist every six months for regular dental checkups.

A Note from York Orthodontics

In most cases, gapped teeth aren’t worth worrying about, as they don’t negatively impact your overall oral health; consider them a unique sign of your beauty. However, if you notice redness, bleeding, swelling, or other signs of gum disease, see a dentist right away.

If you have healthy teeth and gums but your gapped teeth still bother you, options like braces or Invisalign can help you close the gaps and move teeth closer together.

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