When people think about orthodontic procedures and appliances, there’s a tendency to think about the braces that kids and teenagers wear. Now, it’s true that braces are one form of orthodontic appliance, and it’s also true that many teenagers do end up wearing braces in order to correct or improve their teeth positioning. But it’s also important to keep in mind that orthodontic procedures apply just as much to adult orthodontic.

When it comes to getting braces, age does not matter. As a matter of fact, adults make up 20% of the population of people wearing braces globally. There are a variety of reasons why adults opt to get their teeth properly positioned. Some adults do it because they were not able to afford the costs back in their childhood days, while others do it to gain confidence that people with nice teeth have.

adult orthodontic

It Was Once A Childhood Dream

Let’s face it: In the past, not everyone could come up with the money for the services of an orthodontist. When we watch television and see the celebrities we idolize, we always have this dream about looking good just like them when we grow up. When we were teenagers, we were always told by our parents and teachers to brush and floss our teeth right after every meal. However, as times have changed, there are instances where we could no longer follow that ritual we once did and so, it has caused infection and misalignment—this is where braces come in.

Many of the orthodontic problems that plague kids and teenagers are also present in many adult orthodontic. This can be the case for a number of reasons. Perhaps these problems were present in their younger years, and for certain reasons, the problems were not corrected back then. Or it’s also possible that they did already have teeth which were nicely positioned, but then some sort of injury, accident or other event took place, which shifted or knocked the teeth out of position. Whatever the reason, the good news is that orthodontists have the expertise and equipment needed in order to fix orthodontic problems faced by adults.

In every aspect of your everyday life, you may see adults wearing either traditional, ceramic, Invisalign™, or Incognito™ braces. Yes, there are a lot to choose from as dental practitioners believe that treatment is specific for every person. When you visit your dentist for a consultation, your will be offered different options for treatment. Keep in mind that every treatment option has its own pros and cons so you have to listen well as your dentist discusses each one with you.

It Is Socially Acceptable

When you start to consider the idea of orthodontic treatment, take a look around you. You will see that you would not be the only adult in active orthodontic treatment. The rise of social media could attest to that. People in all corners of the world now post shout outs and photos of their new braces on social networking sites to trend online.

Getting braces as an adult is no longer embarrassing but rather something that is socially acceptable. In fact, even famous personalities have their teeth straightened to improve their smile!

One of the things that many adults think about is that they would prefer for any appliances to be relatively unobtrusive or invisible. It’s not hard to understand why. Over time, people have developed an impression of braces and other dental appliances as something that young people tend to get. So there are many adults out there who would rather not make it easily apparent that they have braces or other dental appliances on. In the case of adults, there are many ways the orthodontists can do this.

One way is simply to use materials which are less visible or which blend into the background of the teeth or mouth. This is particularly important when it comes to fixed and permanent orthodontic appliances, which cannot be removed, such as braces which are attached directly to the teeth. Braces are not limited to metal materials. There are also braces which are made from other materials, such as ceramics, or braces which have been designed precisely to look lighter and less visible. The advantage here is that you are getting the full effect of wearing a fixed orthodontic appliance, which will help to shift your teeth into better positions, while also not having to worry about other people noticing that you have braces in your mouth.

Another way that this can be done is by simply making use of removable appliances. The upside to these removable appliances is that they can be taken out, if necessary. So if you are going to give a big presentation, or if you have a big interview, then you can remove the appliance so that your teeth look unadorned. The downside though is that these appliances tend to be suitable if only smaller shifts or changes in the teeth are required. If you need to make some major changes in tooth position, there’s a good chance that you’ll need a more permanent dental appliance.

It Is For Your Own Good

For those who don’t know, as we age, our teeth can change position. In effect, we may become unable to clean our teeth properly, or even find our smile no longer appealing to others. In a lot of ways, adults say that getting braces is worthwhile: it can help one get a job faster, it helps improve your total oral health, and that beautiful smile can turn a sad face into a happy one.

Getting braces is one way for every adult to gain the confidence that they were not able to achieve before. Imagine applying for a job and when you look in the mirror, you see that your teeth are crooked. No matter how you hide it, it may somehow affect on the outcome of the interview.

Take note, it is never too late to get braces even as an adult. So, if you are aiming for that pearly white and perfect smile, go and see your orthodontist. With the development of braces over the last 15 years, you now have the chance to choose the treatment available depending on your taste; in short, you are the boss.

In the end, the important thing to keep in mind is that there are many orthodontic options for adults. So even if you wouldn’t be comfortable with visible braces in your mouth, that shouldn’t prevent you from seeing your dentist or orthodontist, and asking about your options. Thanks to advances in materials and design, there are a lot of alternatives out there. You can ask your orthodontist about these. Take a look at some samples, photos and demo products so that you can see what these appliances look like. Then ask your orthodontist if these types of products can be used to fix your particular problem or situation.

It's Never Too Late to Improve Your Smile

When people think about adult orthodontics and its appliances and procedures, there’s a tendency to think about the braces that kids and teenagers wear. Now, it’s true that braces are one form of orthodontic appliance, and it’s also true that many teenagers do end up wearing braces in order to correct or improve their teeth positioning. But it’s also important to keep in mind that orthodontic treatment applies just as much to adult orthodontics.

When it comes to getting braces, age does not matter. As a matter of fact, adults make up 20% of the population of people wearing braces globally. There are a variety of reasons why adults opt to get their teeth properly positioned. Some adults do it because they were not able to afford the costs back in their childhood days, while others do it to gain the confidence that people with nice teeth have.

Orthodontic treatment and its appliances and procedures, like braces, are not restricted to kids and teenagers. Adult orthodontics is also a common practice.

Adults make up 20% of the population of people wearing braces globally. There are a variety of reasons why adults want to get their teeth straightened. It may be because they couldn’t afford the costs back in their childhood or simply want to have a beautiful, impressive smile. 

Whatever the reason, orthodontists’ services can come up with incredible solutions that match the lifestyles of adults.

Adult Braces Options

Traditional, ceramic, or Invisalignâ„¢ braces are all options available for adult braces at York Orthodontics. When you visit us, we’ll discuss the different treatment options that suit your unique needs, and then choose the option that perfectly fits your lifestyle together. Therefore, if you’re concerned with appearance, don’t worry; there are less noticeable options available for you.

One option is adult ceramic braces, which are tooth-colored and perfect for severe dental issues. Their effectiveness is just like traditional braces, but they’re aesthetically more appealing.

The other option is Invisalign, which is a set of clear, custom-made, and removable aligners perfect for mild to moderate dental problems. At York Orthodontics, we take a 3D image of your teeth and gums using advanced orthodontic imaging tools like iTERO Invisalign, and based on it, we design custom-made aligners specifically for your own teeth and gums.

Adult Orthodontics Cost in Canada

The cost of adult braces can vary depending on individual needs, location, the experience of a dental professional, and many other factors; however, on average it ranges from $3,000 to $10,000.

Here is a breakdown of the average cost of the adult braces based on the Ontario Dental Association (ODA) and the Canadian Association of Orthodontists (CAO):

The average cost of traditional braces

$4,000- $6,000 CAD

The average cost of metal braces (e.g., Damon, SmartClip)

$5,000- $7,000 CAD

The average cost of lingual metal braces

$6,000- $8,000 CAD

The average cost of Invisalign

$3,000- $8,500 CAD

Ask from Us

Frequently asked questions

The process of getting braces installed typically involves the following steps:

• Cleaning and preparing the teeth to prepare them for the installation of the brackets.

• Applying a dental-friendly adhesive to the teeth

• Installing the brackets using the adhesive.

• Installing archwires between brackets to apply tension and move teeth into their intended position.

• Securing the archwires with elastic bands, which are used to hold the archwires in place.

Overall, orthodontic treatment is the process of straightening teeth by moving them into the proper position. It not only plays a role in your beauty but also helps to ensure a lifetime health for your teeth, gums, and jaw joints, as well as your overall well-being.

The latest method that we currently use at York Orthodontics is the use of 3D scanning techniques to create precise digital models of a patient’s mouth. This innovative method allows us to eliminate messy impressions and provides a more accurate treatment plan that’s tailored to each patient’s unique needs.

When it comes to braces, age doesn’t matter. Adult orthodontics can be just as effective in adults as it’s in children or teenagers. When it comes to adult braces, adults are usually better able to keep up with the treatment plan; they’re better at committing to the treatment, maintaining the required diet while having braces, and also maintaining a good oral hygiene routine. 

No; in fact, among all orthodontic options, traditional braces are generally more affordable. However, when it comes to cost, you don’t need to worry, because alongside many options, at York Orthodontics, we offer flexible payment plans, such as weekly or monthly installments, to make your orthodontic journey as smooth and affordable as possible.